
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ohio Stands Up against Bill 5 - CNN iReport

Thousands of people gathered on Tuesday (03/01) at the Ohio Statehouse as a Senate committee planned to revise a bill that abolishes most collective bargaining rights for more than 350,000 state workers, teachers, safety forces and other public employees.  

As an estimated 8,500 protesters demonstrated against the bill on the west lawn of the Statehouse, the committee met for about a half-hour to hear Jones outline amendments to her bill. The committee is expected to vote on the bill Wednesday with a vote on the Senate floor likely either shortly afterward or Thursday.

Union groups and Democrats were rallying for the third week in a row in an effort to stop Senate Bill 5.


Miles de Personas se dieron cita para protestar este Martes (03/01/10) en la Legislatura Estatal de Ohio cuando el Comite del Senado planea revisar la legislacion que abole la mayoria de los acuerdos colectivos de derechos para los mas de 350,00 trabajadores estatales, maestros, fuerzas de seguridad y otros empleados publicos.

Se estimo que 8,500 protestaron contra la ley en el cesped de la Legislatura Estatal, el comite se encontraba alrededor de media en la audiencia de Jones sobre enmiendas a la ley. El comite se espera que vote en la ley el Miercoles con el voto de la Camara del Senada tan pronto este Jueves.

Grupos Sindicales y Democratas van en su tercera semana seguidas en un esfuerzo por detener la Ley del Senado 5.

Ohio Stands Up against Bill 5 - CNN iReport

1 comment:

  1. Screw the Unions. GREED, that's what its about. We have all taken huge pay cuts and pay more for our benefits, why should it be any different for public employees.
