
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Gender Stereotypes

The concept of gender stereotypes affects men and women. Some concepts are linked closely and processed more quickly in our brains. The ad counters a gender stereotype: the female role for a nurse. By using the image of the males, it associates the nursing profession and sends a powerful message.

            The slogan of the advertisement “Are you man enough…to be a nurse?” evokes the men stereotype but targets a common female profession: a nurse. We mostly construct distinctions between gender, the ad tears down those sub-real constructions to show that a typical men profession isn’t limited to one specific gender. The ad calls attention that may trigger inspiration to promote professions usually related to a specific gender, nursing is an example of this. 

The ad targets women for the simple reason that they are the only ones who can use it. The ad counts as a stereotype for females. The product, the skirt and the conception of the ad, reflects a gender stereotype. Obviously, women are the only ones who can use the tampons. The product is present as bringing more confidence in the days of women’s period.
The stereotype of the female role is affirmed in the ad. There is a construction about the pattern that people should be explicit and react as a member of a given culture according to their gender. In this case, the tampon belongs to the female gender.  

The ad reflects a gender stereotype. The message being delivered by the ads are still the same and specific roles for genders. In this ad, men are portrayed to be powerful and muscular, and suggests that this product is not for women.  They have done it all at the expense to reinforce gender stereotype for this product.

The add promotes traditional gender roles, the display assumes the vitamin is only for men. Even though it mentions that it is for athletes, it reinforces the idea on how men should look like. There are no women in the ad, but it is obvious that women are underrepresented. The ad associates gender to a specific appearance, this assumption can have a negative impact on the product with women. 

This old ad is a good example of gender stereotype. The dad and son are playing Battleship, meanwhile, the mom and daughter are in the kitchen doing the dishes.  This stereotype is the result of the dominant representation of the culture. The role of women in society was to spend time in the kitchen and do house work. On the contrary, men are dominant species of the house, and it was a social norm.
There is a subliminal message in the background, there is a busy working mom and daughter with too much to do. It was the time where women were portrayed to belong at home. It also includes the dominant male gender, concept alludes to the stereotype that most men should act in a certain acceptable way.

It appears that the company’s ad creator is marketing with no specific gender stereotype. The advertisement displays silhouettes of males and females with an iPod. The condition of being directed to a specific gender has been overlooked in the ad. The add targets more than a gender a society in communication with music, in our case, everybody no matter the gender enjoy the music from the iPod.

            The ad challenges the way that society thinks about gender roles, it displays a  universal message connecting the male and female audience. Advertisers are starting to realize how important the position towards equality for the public image of the company. The ad hit all genders against stereotypes and division on gender roles. 

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